Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Sony announces SmartWatch 2 with NFC

Sony today officially announced the SmartWatch 2, its third-gen watch accessory that pairs with your Android smartphone along with sony Xperia Z Ultra phablet.

Sony SmartWatch 2 sports new design that reflects the design of the Xperia Z and aluminum power button like Xepria Z. SmartWatch 2 will connect to any android smartphone and tablets via Bluetooth like previous Smartwatch and can show the regular alerts like sms, email,incoming calls and also show update of your twitter and facebook accounts also and show your calendar events and act as remote for music player

Sony claims that its SmartWatch 2 is water resistance with IP57 certification and it faster than it predecessor. the watch features NFC connectivity for each pairing and sharing data. the device can be charge through the usb port provide to it. coming to display it sports 1.6 inch screen with resolution 220px x 170px which was good for reading and offer good visibility under sunlight also

According to the Sony there few hundred apps available for the Sony SmartWatch 2 which will enhance the user experience



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